Study of Ignition of High-Energy Materials with Boron and Aluminum and Titanium Diborides
Korotkikh G.A., Arkhipov V.A., Slyusarsky K.V., Sorokin I.V.
Combustion Explosion And Shock Waves, 2018, Volume 54, Issue 3, Pages 350-356.

Исследование упруго-прочностных свойств базальто- и стеклопластиков с разными схемами намотки
Блазнов А.Н., Зубков А.С., Ходакова Н.Н., Самойленко В.В., Углова Т.К.
Стекло и керамика. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 32-37.

DOI: 10.1134/S0010508218030127

Ключевые слова:

glass and basaltic roving winding tube elastic modulus


Samples of models of OHL supports based on basaltic and glass roving in the form of tubes with five different winding schemes were fabricated: longitudinal-transverse, spiral-longitudinal, spiral-longitudinal-transverse, and spiral with angle 30 and 60° with respect to the axis of the mandrel. The elastic-strength properties were investigated in tests by transverse bending and it was shown that the largest values of the elastic modulus obtain with the longitudinal-transverse winding scheme and the smallest values with spiral winding at angle 60° with respect to the axis. The elastic modulus of the basalt-plastic tubes is someone smaller than that of glass-plastic tubes, which can be explained by the lower linear density and more uniform packing of the used glass roving.